
How to get 10x more in one day,

than others do in a week.

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I promise, that in 2 weeks you will have a completely different life.

Let me, Shepherd Fucking Mike teach you!

This is the only way to do a months work under 3 days.


This information is NOT AI generated, These tips are the ones that helped me become the fucking man I am.

If anything offends you on my site i have good news to you.

I don't care, get fucked!

For anyone who really wants to learn my secrets, you came to the good place.

Start reading, and Shepherdmike Loves you!

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First of all let's go through what is wrong with your current life-work balance:

What a terrible life to live

The slaves from the 1800's were better on mental health than 9 to 5 workers.

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You may ask "Alright bro, but how can i fix my eternally fucked life?"

Here is the only method that works!

I used this method in every hardship in my life!

When i decided that i want to go to university i came to a harsh realization:

I want to learn software-hardware development but i DON'T know shit about computers?

keep in mind that i was a full 9-5 worker at this time.

I developed the METHOD at this time.

And that shit worked, i did see the progress.

And from someone who could barely do multiplications in head, i got accepted in the best university in the country.

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Than when i started the first trimester i got complacent.

I didn't use the basics that made so much progress for me.


Exams incoming, i only have 3 weeks to relearn the whole trimester, what the fuck shall a dumbass like me do?

Than i remembered

I shall go back to my fundamentals,

And use my METHOD

And guess what? It worked again.

I still can't belive it.

I was the only one in my class that passed.

This METHOD is amazing, i don't try to sell you shit or to make you buy my onlyfans subscription or some shit.

This will help.

100% testicle guarantee!

"But ShepherdMike what is this so called method you are talking about?"

Okay listen to me, grab a pen and paper.

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Firstly you must change the sleep cycle. You will be sleep deprived anyway, why not use it to your advantage?

From waking up at 7 bring the timer back with 2 hours.

When you have the goal that it is worth sacrificing for

(creating a side hustle, planning a business, learning a new skill, crawling through the exams, etc..)

you shall do the following.

Set a timer at 5 am, and without snoozing get up from the bed!

I know it is hard, cry about it,

Are you so weak of a person that you will not sacrifice for your own goals? For real?

"But Mike, it is so hard to get up in the morning"

I understand you, i had trouble waking up too, many times i slept in, or ignored the alarm.

But to progress in this you shall do 2 things:

Before you go to bed, in the night, prepare a shot of expresso next to your alarm clock.

When you wake up in the morning,

you shall control your mind and command it to reach for that cup right after turning off your alarm.

Yes it ain't the most healthy choice because it gives you a tummy ache for 3 minutes.

Be a man for fucks sake!

It is so worth it.

Don't forget that your arms are controlled by your brain. You control your own life, and NOT your emotions.

If i could do it so can you.

The thing about waking up early is that it doesn't get easier with time. Or does it?

There is only one way how you can make waking up early an automatic task, that your body does for you.

You must do it everyday.

After 28 days (at least for me and my friends who are on the same path) my body was like "Ok i got it, we work from 5"

And since then. I can wake up at the exact time of 5AM without an alarm.

And trust me, there is no comparison to when you can wake up in the morning naturally with the sun.

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"But why shall i wake up in the morning?"

As we discussed earlier, we will trade the time from 8pm-10pm to morning 5am-7am.

Here you are tired that is true, but your mind is extremely sharp. Combined with the power of caffeine.
You can and will create value.

There is a problem though, in the morning we don't really know what to do out of a sudden, so this is a problem that our night selves need to solve.

So here is the second task, PREPARE YOUR TASKLIST.

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It ain't that hard, but be specific.

My morning list looks something like this:

Put a rectangle after each one and tick it after you are done with it.

Do NOT write it on your phone, be a real man write it on paper.
Every night. Again and again.

It is so easy to guide yourself in this way.

In the morning you don't need to think about what shall you do, instead you can just enter hardwired flow-state.

The actions shall be anything.

This is the same way i create hobbies for myself, I have the idea and just allocate time for it in the morning.

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Tips to succeed:

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So in conclusion of the earlier, here is the foolproof plan:

Before night:

In the morning:

It is that easy. This is a real cheat code, that separates weaklings from productive men.

I teach people how to build machines and dangerous robots, and this is the mindset that I want all my students to have.

When will this plan NOT work for you?

I really want to see you succeed!

I was in your shoes, i was miserable, i wasted time too, i had bad habits (that were probably worse than yours)

but if i could change, and get better, so can you.

No one is going to save you, you won't hit the lottery, the only way out is by hard work and discipline.

I really hope i helped you!

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About me:

I teach younglings how to build cool robots that harm explode and sometimes commit suicide.

I love the hardcore scary part of tech.

If you are interested come by and fucking learn from the best!

Who Am I to Teach You This?

I am a robotics engineer and a university student learning from the experts. I spill my knowledge on my site.

Want to become an engineer and solve world problems?

Take a look at my fucking website:
